Our Clients

3 Individual Cases Displaying Clients Savings With 
Reduce Before You Produce Program.

There are 2 factors that the consumer must keep in mind;

1. The products financed will ultimately be paid off, and still preform. You will never pay off your utility company. 

2. The examples below do not calculate the rate increases by utility companies. Utility companies are proposing increases every year, averaging 14%.


Case 1- Tom & Susan Lydon
1750 Sq Ft One Story Home.  
Average Electric Monthly Cost $195.00
High electric bills in the summer time exceed $390.00 per month.
Payment $123.00 

Installed radiant barrier in attic, sealed duct work with Aeroseal, installed Ice Cold synthetic catalyst to AC Compressor, blew in additional insulation, and installed Nano Ceramic window film on sun exposed windows. These energy reduction items reduced Solar needs from an 8.25KW system (33 Panels) to only a 5.5KW system (22 Panels). Solar lease payment (No money down & no payments for 1 year) $123.00 per month with energy savings of $178.00 per month.  Would you trade $123.00 for $178.00 each and every month? 

Case 2- John & Robin Stewart.
2950 Sq Ft 2 story with a pool. 
Average Monthly Electric Cost $285.00
High bills in the summertime exceeded $625.00 per month.
Payment $205.00

Installed radiant barrier in attic, sealed all duct work with Aeroseal, installed high efficiency pool pump, installed Ice Cold Synthetic Catalyst to AC compressor, and installed 90% sun screens on all sun exposed windows. These energy reduction items reduced solar needs from a 12KW (48 Panels) to only a 7.5KW system (30 Panels). Purchased solar with NOTHING out of POCKET and received $12,850.00 in tax credits, and $1,000.00 back from APS, solar payment $205.00 per month with energy savings of $260.00 per month. Would you trade $205.00 for $260.00 each and every month?

Case 3- Harold & Irene Phillips
4650 SQ Ft 1 story with a pool 
Average Monthly Electric Cost $415.00
High bills in the summertime exceeded $860.00 per month.
Payment $316.00

Sealed all duct work with Aeroseal, installed high efficiency pool pump, installed Ice Cold Synthetic Catalyst to AC compressor, installed KVAR capacitor on electric service, and installed Nano Ceramic Window Film on all Sun exposed windows. These energy reduction items reduced solar needs from a 19KW (76 Panels) to a 14KW system (56 Panels).  Purchases solar with $0 out of pocket after $21,000.00 cash back in Tax Credits & utility cash incentives. Solar payment $316.00 per month, energy savings $405.00 per month. Would you trade $316.00 for $405.00 per month?